FINAL List of Open Elective Courses [Updated  on 24.01.2025, 6:30 PM]

  • Students, whose entries are highlighted, must contact through email at achoudhary@polscience.du.ac.in with correction request.
  • You cannot select two OEs from the same group.
  • Requests for changes will be accepted till Friday, 17 January 2025. Students must send such requests by email to achoudhary@polscience.du.ac.in.
  • Students who have not yet filled the form, must submit details with choice of Open Elective courses through email at achoudhary@polscience.du.ac.in



It is mandatory to fill this form. Students can edit their entries. The deadline is o4.01.2024, 9 PM

The link for filling the form is as follows: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeloIXKIL9m9FnaapC--eMo2gRIB9gBvvLQivf2Oz8EkdIPWw/viewform?usp=dialog

Notice for Filling Forms for Open Elective Courses for MA Previous (Sem - II) Students [dated 02.01.2025]

  1. The Open Elective Courses form will be accepted with effect from 3rd January 2025 (Friday), 3:00 PM onwards.
  2. Open Elective Courses form submission for session 2024-25 (MA Previous Semester II) will be done via online medium using Google Forms ONLY. The link will be available on the Department website and will be active at 3:00 PM on 3rd January 2025.
  3. The link will be active till 9:00 PM, 4th January 2025 (Saturday).
  4. Only ONE response per e-mail ID would be registered.
  5. Students need to have a GMAIL ACCOUNT. Those students, who do not have a Gmail account, are required to register for a Gmail account and use the same for filling up the form.
  6. It is mandatory to fill up all the details in the form. Incomplete forms will not be entertained.
  7. Students are required to select two elective courses.
  8. Students can take any one Open Elective from a group. For example, if you opt for PS-OE 02, you cannot take PS-OE 04 or PS-OE 07. Refer to the time table and grouping to avoid time clashes.
  9. Students shall be solely responsible for any errors in the filling up of their forms.
  10. Students will be given once chance to change their selected electives, date for which shall be announced later.
  11. Students enrolled in SOL & NCWEB need to approach their respective concerned offices for choosing optional papers. They do not need to fill this online form.

Following are the instructions to fill the form online:

  1. The link will open a Google Form where the student has to fill the following details:
    1. E-mail ID
    2. Name
    3. 10-Digit Mobile Number
    4. PG College Name (to be selected from the drop-down menu)
    5. Examination Roll No.
  2. Students need to make sure that they have these details ready before opening the form.


South Campus
Time Table
MA Previous Sem-II (January- April 2025)



9:30 – 11:10

11:30 –1:10

2:00 – 3:40

3:40 – 5:20


PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory

PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis **

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory *




Open Elective B (In North Campus)

Open Elective A (In North Campus)


PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory






Open Elective A (In North Campus)

Open Elective C (In North Campus)




Open Elective C (In North Campus)

Open Elective B (In North Campus)


PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis **

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory *




PS-C 201: Comparative Political Analysis (Prof. Ujjwal K. Singh/ Prof. Sunil K. Choudhary/ Prof. Nasreen Chowdhory/ Dr Smita Agarwal/ Dr Robert Mizo)

PS-C 202: Administrative Theory (Prof. Sangit K. Ragi/ Prof. Madhullika Banerjee/ Dr Avantika Singh/ Dr Sumit Kumar / Dr Deepika Singh/ Dr Surae Soren)


Group A: PS-OE 02: Understanding the International (Prof. Sanjeev Kumar H.M./ Dr Megha)/

PS-OE 04: Gender Studies (Dr Koiremba N. Singh/Dr Miranda Das)/

PS-OE 07: Environment (Prof Madhulika Banerjee/ Dr Robert Mizo/Dr Avantika Singh)


Group B: PS-OE 01: Ethics and Governance (Prof. Ashok Acharya/ Dr Rajesh Dev) /

PS-OE 10: Digital/Social Media and New Public (Dr Mithila Bagai)/

PS-OE 09: Research Methods in Political Science (Dr Avantika Singh/ Dr Abhishek Choudhary)


Group C: PS-OE 03: Political Institutions and Processes India (Dr Radha Kumari/ Dr Garima Das) /

PS-OE 06: Security: An Interdisciplinary Discourse (Dr Deepika Singh)




North Campus

Time Table

MA Previous Sem-II (January- April 2025)



9:30– 11:10










PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory

Open Elective B

Open Elective A


PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis **

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory *




PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory

Open Elective A

Open Elective C


PS-C 201:

Comparative Political Analysis **

PS-C 202:

Administrative Theory *

Open Elective C

Open Elective B


PS-C 201: Comparative Political Analysis (Prof. Ujjwal K. Singh/ Prof. Sunil K. Choudhary/ Prof. Nasreen Chowdhory/ Dr Smita Agarwal/ Dr Robert Mizo)

PS-C 202: Administrative Theory (Prof. Sangit K. Ragi/ Prof. Madhullika Banerjee/ Dr Avantika Singh/ Dr Sumit Kumar / Dr Deepika Singh/ Dr Surae Soren)


Group A: PS-OE 02: Understanding the International (Prof. Sanjeev Kumar H.M./ Dr Megha)/

PS-OE 04: Gender Studies (Dr Koiremba N. Singh/Dr Miranda Das)/

PS-OE 07: Environment (Prof Madhulika Banerjee/ Dr Robert Mizo/Dr Avantika Singh)


Group B: PS-OE 01: Ethics and Governance (Prof. Ashok Acharya/ Dr Rajesh Dev) /

PS-OE 10: Digital/Social Media and New Public (Dr Mithila Bagai)/

PS-OE 09: Research Methods in Political Science (Dr Avantika Singh/ Dr Abhishek Choudhary)


Group C: PS-OE 03: Political Institutions and Processes India (Dr Radha Kumari/ Dr Garima Das) /

PS-OE 06: Security: An Interdisciplinary Discourse (Dr Deepika Singh)








Tentative list of Open Elective Courses [dated 12.02.2024]


- This is a tentative list based on your responses.

- Check your name, roll number, etc, and submit application for correction by 16 February 2024.

- Students can submit applications for changing their Open Elective Courses in the Department office.

- The last date to submit such requests is 16 February 2024.

- Students whose entries are highlighted in yellow have either taken electives from the same slot, or selected same open elective course twice. Kindly submit an application in the Department Office or contact through email at polscience.du@gmail.com.

- Note that you cannot select two OEs from the same group, as the classes and examinations of such courses will be held simultaneously. Kindly check the time table.

- Students who were not able to submit their choices for electives through Google Form may submit the application in the Department office or through email till Friday, 16 February 2024.

- Emails must be sent only at polscience.du@gmail.com