Dr. Nasreen Chowdhory

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi

Email: nchowdhory@gmail.com



Ph.D., Political Science, McGill University, 2007

Major in Comparative Politics – Developing Areas and International Relations

Dissertation: Belonging in exile and 'home': the politics of repatriation in South Asia

Master of Philosophy

South Asian Politics, South Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Dissertation: Pakistan and the Afghanistan Crisis, 1988-96 

Master of Arts, International Relations (Politics)

School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)


Minors: Economics and History        

Presidency College, Calcutta

Career Profile

Concordia University, Canada

Assistant Professor

Jul. 2008-May 2010

Asian University for Women, Chittagong

Assistant Professor

Jul. 2010- Dec. 2010

McMaster University, Canada

Assistant Professor

Sep. 2007-Apr. 2008

Research Interests / Specialization

Comparative Politics

Indian Politics

Ethnicity and Nationalism

Forced Migration and Citizenship

Teaching Experience (Subjects/Courses Taught)

Department of Political Science, University of Delhi:

Comparative Political Analysis, MA Compulsory, 2011 - 2021

Politics in India, MA Compulsory 2011 - 2021

State and Society in South Asia, MA Optional 2011 - 2017

Religious Nationalism and Political Violence 2018-2021

Citizenship and Identities in Globalized World, M. Phil Optional course 2014-15; 2015-16, 2016-2017

Asian University for Women, Bangladesh

Politics, Philosophy and Economics.

Power, Identity and Resistance; Politics of Developing Areas

Concordia University, Canada

Introduction to Comparative Politics

Introduction to International Relation Politics of South Asia

Seminar Course: State and Society Relations in Asia

Seminar Course: Politics of Developing Areas

McMaster University, Canada (Department of Political Science, McMaster University Hamilton, Canada)

International Politics in Post-War Period (3AA3)

The Politics of India and South Asia (2N3)

McGill University, Canada

Course Instructor, Department of Political Science (Summer 2008 and 2007)

Comparative Politics Developing Areas POLI 227.

Teaching Assistant at McGill University, Canada

Politics of Developing Areas

Political Change in South Asia

Comparative Politics Developed Areas

International Organization

Research Guidance

Ph.D. Supervision

Gargi  Sengupta,  “Governance of Delhi: A Study of the Bhagidari Approach with Special Reference to Savda Ghevra - Development and Livelihood Issues” (Degree Awarded: Nov. 2016)

Sabur Ali M., “English Language and Dalit Empowerment: An assessment of official language implementation in India” (Submitted: Sep 2017)

Ramneet, “Pregnancy in Marriage: A Study of Gender Power Relationship” (Submitted: Mar 2018)

Saba Ishaq, “Political will as driver for community participation –The political ecology of watershed development and management project in India” (Oct 2013- ongoing)

Jyoti Bharti, “Gender Equality and Cultural Rights in India: An Analysis of Indian State Practices in the Aftermath of Shah Bano Judgement” (Apr 2015- ongoing)

Namreeta Kumari, “Surrogate Motherhood”: A Comparative study of Gujarat & Delhi (Dec. 2015- ongoing)

M.Phil. Supervision

Nisha Kumari, “Schooli Shikha and Madhyam Bhojan” (Degree Awarded: Sep 2012)

Ramneet, “Decision Making in Marriage: A Study of Gender Relationship” (Degree Awarded: Mar 2014)

Namreeta Kumari, “Conflicted Space: Negotiating for Dignity”(Degree Awarded : Nov 2015)

Tsheten Bhutia, “Re-Examining the Gorkha Identity: Creation of Multi-Layered Tribal Identities in the Contemporary Darjeeling Hills” (Degree Awarded: July 2017)

Shamna T. P., “Depiction of ‘birds of freedom’ in post 1983 Tamil cinema” (Degree Awarded: Oct 2017)

Meghna Kajla, “Symbols of dominance and Hegemony: the changing pattern of dresses in North India” (Degree Awarded: Jan 2018)

Divya Sivaramane, “Casting out caste: the politics of ‘popular’ identity and ‘populist’ welfare in the electoral” arena of Tamil Nadu (Aug 2016- ongoing)

Kashyap, “Representation: Locating the Gorkha in Darjeeling” (Aug 2016- ongoing)

Projects (Major Grants / Collaborations)

Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) sponsored research project on “The politics of autonomous migration: an assessment of empowerment of Indian middle class women”. 


Books/Book Chapters

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2019 (ed.) Deterritorialised Identity and Transborder Movement in South Asia, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., ISBN 978-981-13-2777-3 ISBN 978-981-13-2778-0 (eBook) (co-edited with Nasir Uddin). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2778-0

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2018. Refugees, Citizenship and Belonging in South Asia, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., ISBN 978-981-13-0197-1 (e-book) & 978-981-13-0196-4 (hardcover) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0197-1

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016. Guest Editor of Special Issue on Displacement – a ‘state of exception’ and beyond: issues and perspectives in forced migration in South Asia, in International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, Vol 2 Issue 2.

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2013 “The politics of “belonging” and exclusion: a note on refugees in South Asia” in in Paula Banerjee (ed.,). Unstable Populations, Anxious States: Mixed and Massive Human Flows in South Asia. Kolkata: Samya: 70-112.

Chowdhory, Nasreen.  2004. “Coping with refugees in India: A case of Chakma Repatriation” Imtiaz Ahmed et al., State, Society and Displaced People in South Asia, Dhaka: University Press Limited

Chowdhory, Nasreen 1998. Policy Paper on “Revisiting refugee determination process: A case of Chin People” with the UNHCR, New Delhi

In Indexed/Peer Reviewed Journals

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016. Displacement – a ‘state of exception’ and beyond: Introductory Remarks, International Journal of  Migration and Border Studies, Vol 2, Issue 2. Page: 95-97, Year 2016; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJMBS.2016.075582

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016. Marginality and state of exception in camps in South Asia. International Journal of  Migration and Border Studies, Vol 2, Issue 2, Page: 132-148, Year 2016; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJMBS.2016.075582

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2013, Marginalization and Exclusion: Politics of Non-citizen Rights in Postcolonial South Asia. Refugee Watch -A South Asia Journal on Forced Migration, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata, Volume 42, Pages: 1-17

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2012. Assessing “Belonging” and Claims of “Home” among Refugees: A note on Repatriation in South Asia. Peace Prints- South Asian Journal of Peace Building. Special Issue on Gender, Displacement and Peace in Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace (WISCOMP) Vol 4, No 1. Pages: 36-62.

Chowdhory, Nasreen 1996. “Small Arms Proliferation in South Asia” Journal for the Centre of South Asian Strategic Studies New Delhi

Chowdhory, Nasreen 1996. “Party System in Pakistan” in the Journal for the Centre of South Asian Strategic Studies, New Delhi


Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. Book Review: David N. Gellner, ed., Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia. Studies in Indian Politics, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages: 247–249.

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2000. “Pakistan’s Compulsion for a War with India: Kargil Conflict” accessible in http://www.defenceindia.com

Conference  Presentations

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2017. Borders and making to citizens: the story of the enclaves in India and Bangladesh, Invited speaker in the Department of Anthropology, Chittagong University, Bangladesh, March 16, 2017

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2017. Debating the Idea of South Asia: Borders and Border-making, Invited Speaker at the National Seminar on “Re-imagining South Asia: An exploration into the history of ideas” February 17-18, 2017

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2017. `Borders and Citizenship in special panel on “Rethinking Borderland”, Invited National Conference on Borders and Borderlands: Negotiating the ‘Margins’ under Globalization organised by Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, February 7-8, 2017

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016, Border Lives and the Idea of Citizenship: Some Theoretical Considerations, Research Workshop on Border, Violence and Challenges to Identities, Organised by MCRG, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva and Maulana Abul Kalam Institute of Asian Studies and Embassy of Finland and ICSSR (Eastern Region), Kolkata, 20-23, December, 2016

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016. “Enclave People in North Bengal: Issues of Campzenship or Citizenship?” The Hugo Conference, Environment, Migration and Politics, University de Liege, Belgium 2-5 November 2016

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016. Roundtable and Chair on “Displacement – a ‘state of exception’ and beyond: Issues and Perspectives in Forced Migration in South Asia” International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) XVI held at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland12th– 15th July.

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016. “Interrogating Camp and Refugees as the Place of Exception in Forced Migration Studies” paper presented at International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) XVI held at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, 12th– 15th July.

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2016. “Post-conflict reconciliation in Sri Lanka: Performing ‘Liberal Transition’ paper presented in 57th Annual Convention of International Studies Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 16th -19th March. 

Chowdhory Nasreen 2015. Invited as a panelist – in a “A Canadian Refugee Research Network: Globalizing Knowledge,” funded for seven years (2008-2015) by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) through their Strategic Knowledge Cluster program, at York University, Toronto, Canada , 15th – 16th May.

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2015. Invited as a panelist - Roundtable discussion on Advancing Protection and Fostering Belonging in a Global Era of the Criminalization of Migration, 8th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) Hosted by Department of Criminology, Ryerson University in collaboration with Ryerson Centre for Immigration and Settlement (RCIS) In Toronto, Ontario, Canada 13-15 May

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. “Young Refugees: Narratives of Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu” paper presented in International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) XV held at Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia15th– 18th July. 

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. Panel organised on “Is Displacement – state of exception? Issues and Perspective on Forced Migration in South Asia, Round II, paper on “Lives at the margin: Governability of Refugees in South Asia”, paper presented in International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) XV held at Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia15th– 18th July. 

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. Invited speaker, on Alternative legacies: Normative assumptions underlying Refugee Status in South Asia, International Workshop on Refugee Protection Outside of the International Legal Framework: Expanding Cross-National and Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations May 27-28, Organized by the Center for Forced Migration Studies at the Buffett Center for International & Comparative Studies, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, Funded though the NSF Law and Social Sciences program

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. “The Politics of Camps: A Site of Contestation and Accommodation”, paper presented in 55th Annual Convention of International Studies Association, Toronto, 26th -29th March. 

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. “Gender in Camps” paper presented in Refugee Studies Centre 2014 International Conference “Refugee Voices”, St. Anne College, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HS, 24th- 25th March.

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. “The State, Identity and the Tamil Question in Sri Lanka”, paper presented in International Conference on State and Democracy in South Asia, under CAS/SAP UGC and Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, February 28-March 1.

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2014. panel organised on “Is Displacement – state of exception? Issues and Perspective on Forced Migration in South Asia Round I”, paper “Marginality and Agency: Problem of governability of refugees in South Asia”, International Conference on State and Democracy in South Asia, under CAS/SAP UGC and Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, February 28-March 1

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2013. “Refugee camp economies: a note on Sri Lankan Tamils in India” paper presented in International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) hosted by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, 7–9 January at Swabhumi Heritage Plaza, Kolkata

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2012 “Gender, Migration and the State” paper presented in panel on Gender Studies and IR, in The Dawning of the ‘Asian Century’: Emerging Challenges before Theory and Practices of IR in India organised by IRIIS at India International Center, 10th – 12thDecember

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2012. “’A Fine Balance?’: Accommodating Tamils in Sri Lanka” paper presented in International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Meaning, Culture and Values  hosted by the Centre of Arabic and African Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, 5th – 7th January

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2011. “Problems of governability and impact of State on Forced Migration” paper presented in International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) held at Makerere University, the Refugee Law Project, of Law, 3rd – 6th July at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Kampala

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2011. Problems of Statelessness of Tibetans and Rohingyas in India and Bangladesh paper presented in International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) held at Makerere University, the Refugee Law Project, of Law, 3rd 6th July at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Kampala

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2011. “Politics of ‘home’, homeland and citizenship rights among the global South Asian populations” paper presented in Assessing the Complexities of South Asian Migration Conference organized by Wilfred Laurier University, Canada, 19th – 21st May

Chowdhory, Nasreen 2011. “Resettlement strategies in post-conflict societies: a comparative study of Tamil and Chakma refugees”, Faculty Seminar, Department of Political Science, Delhi University, 20th – 22nd January

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2010. Public lecture at Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata - 700106, "Contesting Statelessness: Comparative Perspective of Tibetans and Rohingyas in India and Bangladesh", 13 August.

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2009. “Resettlement Strategies and Politics of Belonging in Post-Conflict States" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the ISA's 50th Annual International Studies Association Convention , New York Marriott Marquis, NY, USA, 15th February to 18th February 2009 

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2008. “Politics of Belonging: Tamils and Chakma in South Asia” , paper presented in 11th IASFM Biennial Conference, 6th January – 10th January, sponsored by the Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program of the American University, Cairo, Egypt

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2008. “Navigating Displacement: the question Tamils returnees in Sri Lanka” , paper presented in 11th IASFM Biennial Conference, 6th January – 10th January, sponsored by the Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program of the American University, Cairo, Egypt

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2007. “Home is neither here nor there”: Post-conflict reconstruction of Tamils in Sri Lanka, paper presented in University of Oxford, An Unsettled Future? Forced Migration and Refugee Studies in the 21st Century International Conference 7th December – 8th December 2007

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2007. “Reclaiming Power? The politics of accommodation in South Asia” Paper presented in the 48th Annual International Studies Association Convention, 28th February 3rd March Chicago, IL

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2006. “Critiquing the Dialogue on Repatriation: Refugees in South Asia”, paper presented in 10th IASFM Biennial Conference, 18th June – 22nd June, York University, Canada

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2006. “Reclaiming Citizenship? Critiquing Repatriation of Refugees in South Asia” Paper presented in the 47th Annual International Studies Association Convention, 22nd – 25th March in San Diego, CA

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2005. “Reclaiming Citizenship? The Issue of Chakma Repatriation” in the 34th Annual Conference on South Asia, Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Center of South Asia, 6th – 9th October

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2004. “Land Rights and Displacement of the Indigenous Peoples in Chittagong Hill Tracts: A Case of the Chakma People” CASID/ ACEDI, 3rd – 5th June, Winnipeg

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2004. “Is Repatriation a Durable Solution? The Politics Chakma-Returnees in Bangladesh” Canadian Council for Refugees, Montreal, 26th – 28th May

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2004. “Mapping Peace in Sri Lanka’s ‘Fractured Polity’”, paper presented at the Mid-West Political Science Association, Chicago, 12th – 18th April

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2003. “Refugees in South Asia” paper presented at the Symposium in the Center for Refugee Studies at York University, Canada 9th – 11th September  

Chowdhory, Nasreen. 2001. “Coping with Refugees: A Chakma Story” paper presented in a Conference for Displaced People in South Asia at Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, March, Sponsored by the Indo-Dutch Program on Alternative in Development (IDPAD).


1999-2003    Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship

1998-99       JRD Tata Award

1998            The UNHCR Fellowship

1995            West Bengal State (India) Scholarship



Organized National Workshop on Feminist Methodology  from 18-22 Sep 2017 sponsored by UGC-CAS SAP and Department of Political Science, University of Delhi

Coordinator of ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Gender, Identity and Migration in India organized by Department of Political Science, University of Delhi during August 7-8, 2015

Co- Coordinator of ICSSR sponsored Two days National Seminar on Power, Culture and Marginality in India organized by Department of Political Science, University of Delhi during 16-17 March, 2015


Restructuring and Introduction of New MA Optional courses

Course revision and introduction of courses on Choice Based credit Systems

Member, Course Restructuring Committee of the Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP) of Political Science of Delhi University, Delhi.

Member for  revision of undergraduate (BA Courses) compulsory and optional courses for: Colonialism in India, Nationalism in India, Indian Politics and Comparative Politics courses

Invited as an expert on February 28, 2011 in Indira Gandhi Open University in Curriculum Development of the course Women and Political Processes Development, MA Programme in Women’s and Gender Studies SOGDS, IGNOU

Public Service / University Service / Consulting Activity

Co- Convenor, U-21 (Universitas -21) for special module as part of the Masters Program- a collaborative teaching programme: University of Delhi, University of Melbourne, Australia and University of Birmingham, UK

Member, Committee on Discrimination against North East Students Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2016-17, 2017-18)

Member, PhD Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2016-17, 2017-18)

Convenor, PhD Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2015-16, 2012-13)

Convenor, MPhil Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2016-17)

Member, M. Phil Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2014-2015)

Coordinator -M. Phil Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2013-14)

Convenor, Examination Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2014-15)

Member Board of Research Studies, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2014-15,2015-16, 2017-18)

Member Committee of Courses, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18)

Member, Exam committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2012-13, 2013-14)

Member Student Advisory Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2014-15)

Member Departmental Research Committee (DRC), Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18)

Member Seminar Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2016-17, 2017-18)

Member Purchase Committee, Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2012-13)

Member of Committee on International Collaborations in the Department of Political Science, Delhi University (2016-17)

Delivered lecture in Refresher course “Refugee household and Gender in Camps, Delhi University, 18th March 2014

Member of Program Committee in the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) hosted by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, 7th – 9thJanuary at Swabhumi Heritage Plaza, Kolkata

Taught in U 21 Advanced Intensive Study Module  Delhi, February 2013, March 2014, February 2015, 2016

Resource person at the Tenth Annual Orientation Course on Forced Migration at Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, July 2012

Consultative meeting on course designing of elective “Politics in South Asia” in Political Science Undergraduate at Ambedkar University, Delhi (AUD) on  4th April, 2012

UG course revision - Comparative Politics, Politics in India, Department of Political Science, Delhi University

Participated as Chair in the panel on Citizenship Struggles: Negotiating Law, Identity, Livelihoods, in Developing Countries Research Centre (dcrc) 22nd Grassroots Politics Colloquium (GPC) 25-26 March, 2011

Invited as an expert on February 28, 2011 in Indira Gandhi Open University in Curriculam Development of the course Women and Political Processes Development, MA Programme in Women’s and Gender Studies SOGDS, IGNOU

McGill Graduate Students Research Office Co-coordinator 2005-2007

Former Vice President and board member of the South Asian Centre (CERAS), Montreal, related to issues of Women and Children of South Asian origin

Students’ Seminar Co-coordinator, South Asian Studies Division, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University July 1996 - August 1997


Member, Refugee Research Network, Canada

Member, International Studies Association

Member, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata

Member, American Political Science Association

Executive Board Member (Elected Treasurer 2011-14; 2014-2016), International Association for the Study of Forced Migration

Board Member, Mahanirban 2015-16 Calcutta Research Group


Mailing Address

Department of Political Science

Faculty of Social Sciences

IInd Floor, University of Delhi

Delhi 110007

E-mail: nchowdhory@gmail.com